Monday, 31 December 2012

New Years Eve 2012

Well it's the last day of the year again, time seems to have past so quickly, yet not so good times have dragged,  this year has had some difficult moments for me personally however I'm not going to dwell on the past, but I will focus on good times and plans for the new year ahead.

The Best Moments of 2012 (in no particular order!)

Camping in the New Forest, where time seems to slow down and peace and harmony prevails!!

A hot week in July when we spent more time on the beach than at home, a perk of living near one of the best Beaches in England!!

After a lot of tears and upset for over 6 months, my youngest son aged 4 stayed at pre-school with a smile and a wave for Mummy.

My eldest 2 sons celebrating their 16th and 13th birthdays within 16 days of each over, an expensive time but fun all the same.

The Olympic and Para Olympic games.  I never for one moment thought that these events would mean anything to me, in fact I thought the whole thing was going to be quite boring. Maybe living in the town where the sailing events were hosted helped me get totally sucked in and caught up in the spirit of it all.

Things to be Excited About in 2013

Starting a ceramics course (thanks for the gift Mum!) and carrying on with my new venture 'Careish' which I did start this year but because I was foolish and didn't back up my designs I've had to start again with.

I hope you all enjoy this time of reflection and hope for the year ahead.  Whatever you're doing tonight have a fab time !! :)
